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Old 01-30-2008, 05:11 AM   #13
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Phoenix, AZ USA
Posts: 30

Unfortunately this what you get when you give teens too much car. Far too many stories of young men and women killed in accidents, if you could call them that, have been reported. When I was growing up if it had 4 wheels and went forward when you pressed the gas you were cool. These days parents are buying high-end sports cars for their kids as their sweet 16 birthday present. Back when I was a lad I drove like a complete jackass. Thankfully it was a Hyundai with a 3 cyl 1800cc engine, and I still power slided in it. Thinking back, if I had a IROC Z I would have killed myself.

But of course you have to put out good thoughts for the friends and families of those young men. Tragic...
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