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Old 03-05-2008, 01:48 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by RC45 View Post
Well, the problem I would have, is if you bought a 480bhp GT-R and got 520, and I bought a 480bhp GT-R and only got 490bhp.
A standard should be a standard right?
Absolutely! You are dead right.
To date, there is no inconsistencythough. There is a standard however of producing engines that are producing a marginally (+/-10%) higher output than specified on paper. Which means, that the car produces more power than stated, but not to the detriment of the consumer.

Hate on the car for all the other reasons; The tyres, the tests, the fact that every journalist on the planet is an uber-fanboy, its playstation roots, the bloated weight, the fact that some people believe it was produced purely to aggravate Americans.. But not at the fact the engine produces more power than specified!! To do so, would be a grave misuse of backward thinking and logic.
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