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Old 03-07-2008, 06:15 PM   #56
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even if its faster you can't compare it to the veyron, it not even in the same category.. (and i dont mean in the performance department, as to be honest i haven't checked all the numbers, nur do i care) if you have the money get what you want otherwise stfu about this or that sucks, americans will defend their cars to the death, clarkson, tho funny as hell to me, is just that, he says shit about the germans, americans, basically anyone who isn't british..
the z06 is a great car for everyday, if you live in the states, and for what you pay for it there, not so the case in other places (for the money after taxes... the roads.. etc) calling the veyron stupid is just ignorant, its a brilliant peace of engineering, as for looks, to each his own i guess, i find the veyron stunning you may not feel the same, and that's fine, you can't criticize taste (tho everyone seems to want to), and yeah i dont like the looks of the SSC one bit.. but thats me.. either way, i haven't got the money for any of them anyways..

Things worth having don't come easy..
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