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Old 04-27-2008, 03:41 PM   #9
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Nice-ish car - but why did Jag choose to style it to look like a crappy Hyundai/Daewoo/Lexus/Volvo love-child, instead of a real Jaguar?

What a chance to revisit the classis Jaguar lines - sorry to say this car looks rather shite and I would rather ***shudder*** own/drive a Bangle-BMW than this ugly blob of rolling dog-poop

Oh - very very nice photos BTW, considering the ugly car you had towork with

And I guess every car i sgetting reverse-cameras, tyre pressure monitors, and other idiot toolls these days - because every new driver getting a license is a complete imbecil and devoid of the ability to look behind them or contemplate maintaining their tyre pressures or excercisinf common sense?
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