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Old 11-04-2008, 10:24 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by zeus_2011 View Post
OK, so she may have believed it to be him, but judging from the conversation the stuff "Sarko" was saying....along the lines of "all that killing, it is nice" blah blah obviously rang no bell to Palin who reacted by laughin like an ugly fat spotty 16 yr old girl being fondled for the first time!!! That is an insight into that person no?????

As for Bill Ford, see.....u wouldnt have reacted similarly to Palin!!!!!!
Exactly why did you have to make such a stupid comparison? It seems you are smply using this opportunity to express your politcal opinion.

The point of the matter is that if she had of called them out for being stupid cunts then you and everyone else would be belly aching about how she has no sense of humour.

She had a tempered response as she was listening to the conversation - and besides which, the obtuse liberal spewings sounded pretty much like every continental european pinhead I ever had the displeasure of conversing with - even before I moved to the US.
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