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Old 07-22-2009, 05:39 PM   #8
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From that artcile link, someone wrote some pretty good commentary.
BigHattMan wrote:

If you are inteested in doing some Internet research, try the following:

1. Google "Aspen Daily News" and then search the name Linden D. Nelson. Very interesting stuff. For example, Mr. Nelson paid $13M for the Crystal Palace restaurant which has been closed for months due to lack of business.
2. Aspen Daily News mentioned Mr. Nelson was building a shopping mall (with his pal Taubman?) in North Las Vegas but for which construction has been stopped.
3. Today, fifteen vehicles were all over Wing Lake Road in front of the house. Rent-a-guards watch over the driveway entrances. Oakland Sheriff' car in the driveway, Fire Dept. investigator car on the street. What are they so interested in?
4. Contrary to rumors, the house is NOT in foreclosure.
5. What would be the motive to torch the house?
7/22/2009 4:20:58 PM
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