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Old 09-13-2009, 03:35 AM   #16
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he would be doing so because he had a reason to, and in that case if his reason was law enforcement, he would be anticipating resistance and quite ready for what ever was hiding behind the door.
Not all law enforcement is about arresting people and beating them up. What if the police officer simply wanted to ask questions about a recent crime in the area? Let's take another scenario. If a visitor to the neighbourhood went to your house to ask for directions, or some other assistance, would you shoot him?

It's simply not necessary to use deadly force all the time. I'm pretty sure the castle laws were not intended to be used to allow people to go about killing people who happen to step onto their property. If you kill someone, anyone, the police will come and you will have to explain to them why you just killed someone. They might not believe you if you just killed another police officer.

This is becoming an increasingly irrelevant discussion. The chances of getting burgled whilst you are still in your house is low. Burgling homes with occupants still there is a high risk endeavour that only good burglars try due to the difficulty level. Also, the chances of police officers deliberately engaging in dodgy business is quite low, because most police officers don't want to stuff up and look foolish.
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