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Old 02-15-2004, 09:44 PM   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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I am very disappointed with SegaGT2002 Online.

The graphics took a step backwards - the car models look like some beginner models that appeared in the early days of Need Forspeed 3 and 4 - when all the world went crazy creating custom cars for the NFS franchise.

I played GT2002 and then GT2002 Online backtp back to get a good judge - and it seems they reduced or somehow altered the polys on the car models to perhaps cater for the inevitable lag situations (that did occur on the 3 online races I had)

The Sega's need to ask the PGR2 netcode programmers to tell them how they managed to keep the graphics AND online play so smooth.

BUT- BUT - The biggest letdown is that you CANNOT (at least I have not found a way) cars from your GT2003 garage into your online game.

All you can do is a ONE TIME upload of 100,000 credits from a GT2002 savegame to a GT2002 Online game.

And - you can only have ONE GT2002 Online save game per XBox Live account - so if you don't be careful (like I did GGRRRRRR) you can over-write your current game and be up shit creek.

All in all Sega GT2002 Online, is too little too late - in the face of PGR2...

As always your milage may vary....

p.s. I have been having a lot of fun with Group S Challenge - If you can imagine Best Motoring on the XBox... Heaps of fun.
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