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Old 02-24-2004, 01:14 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Well being Toronto most Vettes I see are automatic. Put it which ever way you want it, but auto tells me only one thing. Your a lazy as bitch who really does not enjoy driving. I see it in a Merc but in a sports car?

The ones that are not automatic, I always see them cruise down the street in 1st with revs up high, and its usualy some 20year guy who's daddy is rich, and hes on the verge of stalling every stop. Seems that all he wants to do is make a lot of noise. Just like those fagets in Civics.

The only true DRIVERS in Vettes are the Z06 owners. I saw quite a few, and all of them really appreciate the car, and give it some willy on the street.

Again these are limited obsevations, but thats the conclusions I came to.

But that doesnt go for vettes only. There are quite a few exotic owners who are assholes also.
Your conclusions are wrong :fist:

I don't have a Z06, but I respect my car every bit as much as I would if it were, and with all that I've invested in mine, I wouldn't have it any other way.
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