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Old 11-10-2003, 12:04 PM   #9
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Interesting. Perhaps you approach the guys with the camaros differently then you do the trans ams and you don't realize it?

In atlanta the idiots with the camaros that are rice get drummed out of the fbody club quickly. However, the number of people driving mustangs with 3 foot wings and under body lights make me want to retch. Heck, my roomates well on the way to being one with his stock v6 with 17" rims (his constant bs of putting in a twin turbo on the stock engine doesn't help).

Actually, I feel the need to elaborate. Most V8 fbody and mustang owners seem to be cool. In general(there are some exceptions) v6 owners have an attitude problem or are girls. Since there are more mustang v6s (and mustangs as a whole), there are more aholes with mustangs.

Oh and just to be the old man of the group, "It's not cool to take a road at 110 mph, take it to the track where it belongs before you kill someone" (realizing you didn't but still having seen the aftermath more times then I care to remember).

The members of the mustang club in ATL have been more then helpful, and the camaro owners, well lets just say I don't hang out with people that rub me the wrong way.

One last thing, the bullit mustang. They aren't as rare as you think, and only as rare as they are because no one ordered them. Sadly ford dropped the ball with the car, it was just a name badge and a color scheme. They did better with the mach 1, at least making it a unique model level when it comes to performance.
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