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Old 08-22-2004, 08:52 AM   #1
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Default Why F1 teams can't agree on rules for next season.....

taken from last weeks Autosport Magazine

Rules of engagement

Why F1 team bosses can't agree on a set of rules for 2005

Formula 1's team bosses are under pressure to agree on regulations for 2005

"After last Friday's open debate between some of F1's leading figures in a press conference during the Hungarian GP weekend, Autoport.com's Tony Dodgins investigates why it so difficult for F1 team principals to agree on a stable future for F1, and asks just how damaging the current stalemate is to the sport…

Friday afternoon's press conference in Budapest and the FIA served up a mixed helping of team principals and technical brains. On parade for the TPs was Jaguar's Tony Purnell, Eddie Jordan and Minardi's Paul Stoddart. The tech men were represented by Ferrari's Ross Brawn, Pat Symonds from Renault and Sauber's Willy Rampf.

The FIA's selection is no coincidence. The six teams represented just happen to be the six who have agreed to the FIA's rule proposals for 2005/6, encompassing changes to the chassis/engine/tyre rules.

First, a bit of tedious but necessary background. In case you didn't know, on July 7, FIA technical delegate Charlie Whiting informed the F1 teams, via the F1 Technical Working Group (TWG), that under article 7.5 of the Concorde Agreement (which governs F1), they are required to slow down their cars on safety grounds. The safety bit is important. It means that the usual lead time required for technical changes can be disregarded.

The teams were given two months to agree proposals on which there must be 80 percent agreement (eight teams out of the 10). If they cannot - and the FIA figured it highly unlikely - the governing body can propose three alternative rules frameworks, of which the teams must choose one, within a further 45 days. If there is still no agreement, the FIA can impose its own ruling after three months, ie by January '05. Way too late to be practical, of course.

To help the teams along, the FIA served early notice of its own intentions. These included doubling engine life (one engine must last two '05 race meetings), cutting aerodynamic efficiency via modifications to the front wing and rear diffuser and limiting teams to three sets of tyres for a race meeting.

Any delay in finalising the rules impacts on design of 2005 cars and, post-Hockenheim, Jordan sent a letter advocating that the teams bite the bullet, agree the FIA's proposals right now and get on with the programme. Basically, any uncertainty about rules only plays into the hands of the big teams because they have the resources to run parallel R&D programmes.

What was supposed to happen in Hungary was that the six would all sing from the same song sheet about how sensible all this was for Formula 1 and how the rules were now decided, along the lines of what Max wants. The press could then go away and write that all in the garden is rosy.

Admittedly the technical men were broadly in agreement and, as far as the constitutional process was concerned, Brawn explained, it was as good as done. If six teams agree with what Max wants then, by definition, there could not be any alternative proposal with the necessary 80 percent agreement. So they might as well go along with the Max rules and get on with it.

But where was the evidence that these six teams agreed, Stoddart wanted to know. As far as he was concerned, if the FIA proposals were adopted, he knew of a constructor and a manufacturer who would not be turning up. He simply couldn't afford to make a wrong choice and design a car around a phantom set of regs. It wouldn't be a disaster for Ferrari, which spends more on espresso than Minardi does on its cars, but it would break Stoddart. The tech men, in their world of downforce, widgets, grommets, bores and strokes, are more likely to co-operate, but team principals inhabit a sea of vested interest, where agreeing on the time of day is beyond them.

Stoddart, basically, was not confident enough that the TPs wouldn't influence their tech men into a U-turn before the September 7 deadline. And looking at the history of F1, recent or otherwise, you can't really blame him. There's been more U-turns than an autotest, from Max included. After all, it's only three short months since we sat in Monte Carlo listening to Mosley telling us that control tyres and standard engine ECUs were non-negotiable. An extra terrestrial sent on an F1 fact-finding mission these past few weeks would have gone home with his bug eyes crossed and his mind well and truly boggled.

Of the six in agreement, you can understand the poorer teams wanting to get on with it, but Ferrari's agreement to rules that seem to dumb down F1 ahead of time does make you wonder.

Purnell, in fact, has an interesting theory on that.

“My belief,” he said, “is that Toyota and Honda (BAR), although they don't say it, have no real interest in making F1 cheaper. If I were Toyota I'd go out of my way to make F1 as expensive as possible, because everyone knows that is one race they'd win hands down.

“I think that might just be vaguely spooking Ferrari. They might have started believing that it needs to be cleverness that decides the championship in future, not just money muscle. Our best chance by far is to make it a racing series that has more cleverness content than just money.”

Purnell, asked what he thought the rules would be, shared Brawn's take on the eventual outcome. “Ross is the probable clairvoyant here,” he said.

Cue, a hot under the collar Stoddart.

“But that's the whole point... We don't need a bloomin' clairvoyant, we need a regulator that makes rules!”

It was a good point, well made, and Purnell picked up the baton.

“If the sport is going to reform, this sort of thing needs to be tackled,” he said. “In the future it just shouldn't come up because the regulations and the methods need to be clear, pragmatic and sensible.”

Amen to that.

Here's a couple of things for you to consider. At a time when F1 is supposed to be way out of control in terms of expense, BMW Motorsport director Mario Theissen admitted last weekend that BMW is already working on parallel 2005 engine programmes because it doesn't know the rules.

And, to me, the most stunning revelation of last weekend, was McLaren's Martin Whitmarsh saying: “We now have technical reviews where we estimate the percentage probability of what the rules will be and then we go away and design it. When you get it wrong you have to go back and re-appraise that part of the design.”

How cretinous is that?

These uncertainties can also have repercussions. BAR's David Richards, for instance, hasn't put his name to the FIA plans because his engine partner, Honda, doesn't like them. And at Hockenheim, the Japanese admitted that if they didn't like the way the future was shaping up, they might not play. Although there were other issues involved too, this was enough, some say, for Jenson Button's management to interpret that the team had no guaranteed Honda engine supply next year, further boosting their alleged contractual right to jump ship to Williams.

Two of the best lines on the rules issue came from Tony Purnell and Frank Williams. Purnell first: “The way F1 is regulated is a Byzantine system - very difficult to understand and as much for politicians… I tell you what, I spent nine years learning science, engineering and logic, but political science and psychiatry would have been far better.”

And now Frank: "The problem is that there is not one single team the same as another. You've got Eddie and Paul struggling to survive and doing an amazing job. There's Ferrari's super-team, all credit to it, with a massive budget. We've all got different perceptions and problems. And we have a conductor of the orchestra, the taller one of the two (Mosley), who plays a very powerful tune that some of us can follow and some of us can't. It is difficult to get a common agreement when some people are happy to follow the conductor instead of the music, the music being the Concorde Agreement. From this, confusion arises."

That's the crux of it. Mosley arguably drove a bus through the Concorde Agreement last year and there is already an outstanding case of arbitration brought about by Williams and McLaren. Experience tells you there could well be more of the same before anyone appears at Melbourne next March.

Publicly at least, McLaren was playing that down.

“The reality is that the time pressure is on us,” Whitmarsh said. “We want to design our cars and get on with the business of racing. Those who we might be arbitrating against don't have those pressures, so ultimately we are going to acquiesce in the best interests of the sport.”

Okay, good. So everyone's going to get on with it.

But wait. It gets sillier. As Symonds pointed out, they all want to design their cars but can't. Why? Because one of the starting points is the fuel tank capacity, so they need to know the qualifying regs and whether there'll be parc ferme after qualifying or not. And, wait for it, that's not a technical regulation, it's a sporting regulation, which doesn't have to be sorted until the end of October…

There are plenty of examples of technical regs masquerading as sporting ones. Why? Well conventional wisdom says because sporting regs can be changed later, it's so that the governing body can have more 11th hour influence on what goes on. Tweak something for the sake of the show, for example.

Take Ferrari last year. They'd steamrollered '02 and designed last year's car around parameters that proved highly disadvantageous when the FIA, a month before the season, suddenly revealed that you had to qualify with race fuel.

Was that a deliberate FIA ploy to clip their wings from someone with knowledge of the design route at Maranello? I couldn't honestly tell you. But as long as such opportunity exists, then the highly-tuned paranoia that exists in the F1 pitlane is never going to wane.

Whatever happens beyond the 2007 Concorde Agreement, whether it's another one or a different mechanism altogether, F1 needs to put its house in order. It needs majority rather than unanimous agreement. Better still, it needs to be run by a regulator who is not directly involved. Perhaps also with some input from the marketing and media side. It needs technical stability without any means of circumventing it and, if safety is involved, anticipation rather than knee-jerk response. Then we might get somewhere."
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Old 08-22-2004, 12:53 PM   #2
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Let me get this straight, the FIA wanted to make the engines last for 2 race weekends and only 3 sets of tires per weekend? Good article mindgam3
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Old 08-23-2004, 06:31 AM   #3
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looks like it I think the tyre idea is a good one because hopefully they'll be much less degrading of them which will make the field more equal. Not sure about the engine rule though as this is going to benifit richer teams. Either way as long as they keep the V10's im happy with that
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Old 08-23-2004, 11:31 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by mindgam3
looks like it I think the tyre idea is a good one because hopefully they'll be much less degrading of them which will make the field more equal. Not sure about the engine rule though as this is going to benifit richer teams. Either way as long as they keep the V10's im happy with that
Yeah ... I dont want the sucky V8s ... the way Max is headed, the F3000 cars will lap the circuits faster than F1 cars :roll:

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Old 08-23-2004, 12:04 PM   #5
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Yeah I think its wrong to continually slow down the cars. Yes the sport should be made more competitive, but not at the expense of the of speed and excitement of watching cars perform at their technical limit
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Old 08-23-2004, 01:19 PM   #6
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They're saying partly the reason for slowing the cars down is for safety too. Although obviously safety is important I don't think it should be taken into consideration so much that it slows the car down. I mean MotoGP bikes do the same sort of speeds as F1 cars n all they have is a helmet n leathers protecting them.

The spectacle of F1 needs to have the same key factors as it always has had: Being the pinnacle of the motor industry and being the most awesome site on 4 wheels
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Old 08-23-2004, 01:36 PM   #7
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a good idea from the man at ferrari

Ross Brawn reckons a non-championship race would make sense

Ferrari's technical director Ross Brawn is advocating a return for a one-off non-championship Formula 1 race, much like the Race of Champions events of the 1970's and early '80s, to try out new ideas and regulations before they are committed to the rulebook.

The suggestion comes after the latest meeting between F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone and the sport's team bosses at the Hungaroring failed to agree on revisions to the much-derided qualifying format currently in place. The team chiefs are said to have rejected Ecclestone's idea of awarding points during a standard qualifying session than deciding grid positions by a ballot.

“What is lacking in our sport is a mechanism to assess ideas on a proper basis to decide what is viable,” said Brawn. “The best approach would be to set-up a working group – a couple of people from the media, a couple of engineers, a couple of team principles – and everybody accept their conclusions as to what we are going to have for qualifying.

“Then maybe have one race a year where we can try all the new systems to see whether they work, because the problem is, if we commit, we have to design the cars and we get frustrated when the car we designed doesn't suit the qualifying system.”

Jaguar Racing team principal and Autosport's sister magazine F1 Racing, have formulated a proposed change to qualifying, and the publication is reporting a considerable positive response. They are suggesting holding two 10-lap ‘heats' – one on Friday, one on Saturday – to form the grid for the race proper. The starting order for the heats would be done by ballot (therefore promoting overtaking) and the final grid positions would be based on driver's mean finishing position.
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:01 AM   #8
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yes i totaly agree with the mini races for qualifying, ross brawn has made an intresting point.

i would also like to see the formula 1 teams run atleast 3 cars.. (althoe it would fuck me off soemthing cruel if ferrari made a 1,2,3 podium.

weight peniltys are an intresting idea.

who not have one engine for a whole season.. or not
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:21 PM   #9
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Mini races for qualifying are used in DTM and it is a crash festival. Imagine with the F1 jewels...
To make F1 cheaper, raise the minimum weight (a lot) and prohibit refueling. Cars could use less expensive materials, be tougher to resist to small accidents (like Indy), they can keep engines' development (more weight to move would accept more power, probably in a broader rpm range than today). I am not sure about tires and aero restrictions, but some modifications here and there to make overtaking easier would help.
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Old 08-24-2004, 11:12 PM   #10
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i think a good idea would be one tyre manufacturer.the fia could control how well the cars grip and the weght penalties would be good too.i dont know why they have to make all these crazy changes when they could take a lesson from turing cars.Speed world challenge races are awsome cuz the cars are so closly mached due to the wight penalties.

stupid old farts!
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Old 08-29-2004, 02:50 AM   #11
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They miss the biggest point thou, all these changes the ones that will adapt the best will always be the bigger teams. The smaller teams wont benefit till atleast 2-3years down the track.

I dont want to see F3000 or F3 cars I want to see F1 cars. The 2 engine rule is silly and I really want to see how they would police that between races. Slicks should return. Not wieght penatlies as such but just the whole car weighing abit more. Bring back the old qualifying session. Yesterdays times are a perfect example how flawed the current system is.

Most importantly get rid of Max Mosley
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Old 09-11-2004, 12:44 AM   #12
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I agree with speedcore about scrapping mosley, take all his rule changes with him.
all the new rules and regs that have come about in the last 3 years are fucking stupid.

I think that maybe placing spending limits on the sport would even out the field a bit more. I would like to see the underdogs (Minardi, Jordan and Jaguar) put up a fight in the coming years and i think the only way to do that would be to cap budgets. Granted, just placing an overall cap wouldn't work too well since it would just allow for some creative restructuring of budgets in the larger teams, so therefore, specific limits should be placed on the key areas of the cars like Aero and Engines.
Obviously the reliabilty rules hurt the smaller teams since a tougher engine at the same amount of power is going to require more testing and more money to design and produce, and those savings get passed on to the customers :roll: but on the other hand if you make like Kimi and Takuma and leave your powerplant scattered throughout two sectors of a track race after race, you're bound to have accounting biting their nails. (regarding Takuma's engine detonations, I think someone should have been held accountable for the Monaco fiasco. The Honda engineers had to have seen that coming.)

these are just some musings of an agitated and confused F1 fan. if you don;t agree with my ideas, at least agree with the fact that more rules do not make for a more competetive series.

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