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Old 11-04-2008, 04:43 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: the US of A, sometimes also London
Posts: 466
Default oh my, for all that is great, why do women read this stuff?

I am talking about those "romance" and tragedy counter novels, they are nothing but sad shit and filled with complete dread! no wonder most women are missing a few screws, why on earth do you want to feel sad and cry all the time, at least it is what I felt when I read this

(the following is an excerpt from a book my wife is currently reading, be forewarned, it is one sad horrible story and this is just in chaprter 1 of the book)

PS- also it may look long but it is not

when I was 20, I hooked up with this rather ugly girl, I was ok with that since I had not had sex in over 3 yrs, she was taking pills and as the weeks went by I got to learn about her having stayed at mental hospitals much of her life, she also told me about how when she was very little she filled her mom's insulin syringe with Lysol, her mom died in front of her when she was 5, I still wanted to keep having sex so I stayed with her, after 2 months she was kicked out of her house by her dad due to something she did and came to stay with me in my apartment, she brought with her 2 damn cats, I have always been allergic to cats and I told her and she Bawled, I told her that she and her cats had to find a place to go soon because I cannot live with her and the cats, weeks became months and she still stayed on the sofa, her cats were shitting and peeing all over the place, the sex had stopped a long time ago and so did her showering, every day I came back from work I told myself that I would kick her out but I just couldn't put her on the street, she believed she was my girlfriend even tho I couldn't stand to even look at her and her smell almost made me puke, but I bought food for her, fed her cats, bought her clothes, 4 months went by and it was her Birthday, she then told me no one had ever gotten her anything for her bday so I went all out and bought her a gold chain and a laptop.

I taught her how to do basic windows things and helped her learn how to read, I even took her to the shower and scrubbed her with soap myself, I guess during this time, I had fallen in love with her, for the course of 3 yrs our relationship was one of care for her only, I did it all for her, I even picked up her prescriptions and even as I spent most nights coughing and sometimes even coughing blood due to my allergy of the cats, I took it all in stride by taking some anti allergy meds myself, the sex had never returned, so for over 3yrs I took care of her as if she was my child, even explaining things to her as if she was a young one when she was about my same age, she had never been to a school and did not know how to read or do math so I taught her with the help of TV and comics, 2 more years went by and well, by now it was obvious that ours was a lasting relationship, the sex never returned and I sometimes found solace on hookers, she begun to be abusive towards me, she would get things dirty and never clean, I would have to do all the dishes aside from having to work and pay the rent and everything else, I started to feel depression and hate, one day I got mad at the fact that she came to my bed while I was sleeping after a 16hr shift, with her tattered teddy bear and it was a sad spectaclke to see a grown woman in her 20's in a pathetic pose like that, in the dark, waking me up to tell me, no, demand that I go out at 3 am in the freezing cold of mid december, with a blizzard going and buy her some ice cream...

I completely lost it, I could not believe this! I told her that in no way I was doing that and she started to cry and throw a tantrum... she was retarded, not crazy, and it had taken me so long to pin point that, I went out and got the ice cream, when I returned she was all pissed off at me and started to tell me that she had never been so misserable in her life and that I made her life a living hell... I was awe struck by this, since all I had done for the past 5yrs was to take care of her, I was in rage, I took all her stuff and started to throw it all outside, I wanted her out of my life, I could not bear to go through this, this girl did not see me as nothing more than a meal ticket even though I had even taught her how to read, I took one of the cats and flung him outside in the cold, she then hit me, and she hit me with a lamp, I was bleeding, I was getting up to hear her say this " how dare you do that you bastard these cats mean more to me than you, go get him back you asshole"

she struck me a few more times busting a tooth, I grabbed my cellphone to dial 911 but she stomped my hand shattering my wrist, I was never going to hit her, but I pulled her leg and made her fall, I somehow managed to open the door and push her outside in -20 degrees weather, as well as throwing the other cat out at her which landed in her face, scratching her I bet, I do not know, all I know is this, that I did call 911, told them all about it, got paramedics to come to my aid and they fixed me up a little, bandage on my head, wrist cast at hospital

During the rest of the winter I never received a single piece of news on her whereabouts, all the neighbors never saw anything, I called her dad and he had told me he never wanted to see her again, I guess her shrink had told him about what she did as a kid, which to this day had been ruled as a suicide, he was very adamant in not caring what happened to his daughter, but I did, I searched hospitals, insane asylums, morgues for the next 4 yrs and got nothing, I placed a missing persons report with the police and they did not ever find her, a friend of mine told me that she saw her as a homeless woman around chicago, and even took a pic with her cell, now I knew she was at least alive, I contacted the police and went over to the place where she had been seen, she did not know who I was, and had lost some of her teeth, she was still wearing the same shirt she had when i threw her out, which was a white courage the cowardly dog shirt that she picked at a store years before but it looked bad, the collar was gone, she was wearing a pair of jeans that looked ok but had seen better days, her hair was a complete mangy hide of disease.

In the time she was gone I had met and married my current wife, had a daughter, I took my ex to my house again, this time under strict surveillance until the next day and placed her in a home for people with special needs, when they took her clothes off and gave her new stuff to wear, they called me and to my deep remorse for what I had done, they showed me what she was carrying in her pockets, there were 2 cat skulls, I could not help but feel horrible about it, she had in necessity done something, she had killed her 2 cats, when I arrived she was going all apeshit and they had to sedate her, this was the only time after so many years that she was lucid towards me and told me that she killed the 2 cats that same night I threw her out and took their heads off with her teeth to bring back to me, to show me that she did care for me and she loved me and she knew how much harm the cats did to my health, but then she said she could not remember where we lived, and that she even forgot my name after a few hours so she wandered aimlessly until she came across some other homeless people in chicago that let her stay with them at an abandoned building

I have bawled over this for a long time, I don't know if it was a good decision, would she have killed me? would she have done better had I let her stay?
I don't know

yes you all should share my pain, I read this and spent all day at work sad as heck, I do know some handicapped mentally people and it struck an nerve I guess, still, I would not subject myself to these kind of books, I am not in the business of inviting sadness into my life

twin turbo, AWD, AWS, 6spd, drop dead gorgeous, what's not to like? mitsubishi should go back and make these again
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