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Old 07-16-2006, 04:17 AM   #1
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Default I used to like sleep

At least i think i did...

when i was a little kid, i mean real little, my parents could move me from the couch to my crib, or my bed, and i wouldn't stir at all. I was like a cat. I'd fall asleep in odd positions and wouldn't budge until i woke up. And i wouldn't wake up unless i wanted to.

When i was in 4th or 5th grade, i would stay up reading until 1am. Eventually this turned into playing nintendo or watching tv until then. I'd sleep for 4 or 5 hours until it was time to go to school, then sleep in class. This lasted through high school.

Then i was working from 2pm to 10. i'd get home, eat, watch tv for a couple hours (the movie channels late at night...i think we all know what was on ) and then i'd go to bed and sleep until noon.

Then, i move out, down to arizona for school. my sleeping habits didn't change. up until midnight at the earliest and then out the door by 6:30am. Sometimes i'd snooze through class, other times, i relied on various amounts of caffine to keep me moving. STEP rolls around and i had no choice. Out the door by 5:45, get home at 7pm, study until sometimes 3am, catch 1-2hours of Z's and do it all over again, hoping i didn't fall asleep in class, or in my lunch, or under the car i was working on at work.

now, i don't end up going to bed until 11:30-midnight, roll around for about an hour and wake up and 7:40 (when either my bird, or the sun wakes me up) and leave for work, hoping no one notices i stroll in at 8:15. This keeps up all week. By the time Friday gets here, i just want to crawl in the trunk of a 745Li, curl up and sleep for awhile in the hopes that no one opens my casket and disturbs my cat nap. These days, the sound of a pin falling will wake me up.

And here i am, trying to get on a shift that runs from 6am to 7pm sure, it's only 3 days a week, but still. It's a 13 fucking hour shift for god's sake. Oh, and every 8 weeks, i'll have to work 6 days straight

anyone find it ironic that it's 3:15 am and i'm ranting about sleep? HA! I'll be the first ever documented zombie in another 2 years.

no wonder my fucking hair is falling out :roll:

my carbon footprint is bigger than yours
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