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Old 11-23-2006, 03:25 AM   #16
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by bmagni
Not really, you may think so because you don't drive a econo car AND a sports car or maybe just because you're a well educated man and know that speeding in any car is dangerous and still you sometimes cruise @ 120 mph or go to play to the back roads, I don't think you'd do that in a civic. But most of the people who don't have the culture of driving safely and get the chance of driving an above the average car, speed.
Just do a simple question to regular people. If you had a sports car would you ? a: drive normaly or b: drive fast but cautiosly
Most people would answer b. But cautiosly doesn't mean that they'd certainly do it.
Yeah there are tons of civics, subarus, miatas and so out there speeding, but what's the percentage of owners who speed their civics, and whats the percentage of owners who speed their sports cars ?
No really - you have it all wrong.

As I said I see THOUSANDs of speeding econocars every week - they all speed.. seeds range from 70 in a 65 to 80 and above.

The %age of sports car drivers that speed in regular traffic is very low. We actually have to entice each other to do it.. the reason is simple - if a cop sees 2 cars, a Porsche going 70 in a 65 and a Civic going 80 he will pull the Porsche over everytime.

The answer "most" people would give is wrong because they are not driving sports cars they are driving econcars and "think" they would speed because its easier.

The "speeding" is a factor of attitude more than car.

In her state and attitude the accident would most likely have happened in an econocar anyway.

I really need to camcorder a weeks worth of driving and make it into a movie special to show just how fucked up the econocar drivers are on the freeways.

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