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Old 01-16-2007, 08:49 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Minacious
Originally Posted by TNT

yes IMO any product that has to be updated/upgraded/changed often isn't thought out and build properly, now that isn't including wear and tear.
So by this logic you'd rather use an outdated piece of software rather than apply updates that improve performance or add functionality?
who says i use out of date software? i would rather do proper R&D from a company so i wouldn't have to update all the time is my point. but for example is my OS out of date and useless b/c i have only updated once?.... i don't think so.
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Old 01-16-2007, 09:43 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by TNT
Originally Posted by Minacious
Originally Posted by TNT

yes IMO any product that has to be updated/upgraded/changed often isn't thought out and build properly, now that isn't including wear and tear.
So by this logic you'd rather use an outdated piece of software rather than apply updates that improve performance or add functionality?
who says i use out of date software? i would rather do proper R&D from a company so i wouldn't have to update all the time is my point. but for example is my OS out of date and useless b/c i have only updated once?.... i don't think so.
Actually, yes it is. No matter how you want to look at it, once an update for whatever software you are using is available and you don't add it, you are now using an outdated piece of software. Whether you deem that update necessary is up to you, but the fact still remains that it is now outdated. I too have pieces of software where the update didn’t add anything that I cared for or it simply changed things I didn’t want changed and as such they weren’t installed. Simply put, those are now outdated pieces of software.

My initial point though was to you saying that a piece of software that is constantly being updated isn’t a well built piece of code. That is absurd. Software that is constantly updated is software that is being fully supported and in many cases improved, and there is always something that can be improved upon.
You being an Apple supporter (you are one, right?) though makes why you think this way a little clearer. Macintosh computers have always been built with a fire-and-forget nature. Once you turn it on the first time you never have to change or tweak anything ever again. An idiot proof computer solution if you will. The same can be said about their software too. That is my main problem with the Mac. I want to be able to tweak to my heart’s content. I want a fully expandable computer where I can change the components whenever I feel like it, etc. This is where the PC shines and the Mac falters.
Ed - Trekkie women are HOT! (A Trekkie for life)
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Old 01-16-2007, 09:48 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Minacious
Originally Posted by TNT
Originally Posted by Minacious
Originally Posted by TNT

yes IMO any product that has to be updated/upgraded/changed often isn't thought out and build properly, now that isn't including wear and tear.
So by this logic you'd rather use an outdated piece of software rather than apply updates that improve performance or add functionality?
who says i use out of date software? i would rather do proper R&D from a company so i wouldn't have to update all the time is my point. but for example is my OS out of date and useless b/c i have only updated once?.... i don't think so.
Actually, yes it is. No matter how you want to look at it, once an update for whatever software you are using is available and you don't add it, you are now using an outdated piece of software. Whether you deem that update necessary is up to you, but the fact still remains that it is now outdated. I too have pieces of software where the update didn’t add anything that I cared for or it simply changed things I didn’t want changed and as such they weren’t installed. Simply put, those are now outdated pieces of software.

My initial point though was to you saying that a piece of software that is constantly being updated isn’t a well built piece of code. That is absurd. Software that is constantly updated is software that is being fully supported and in many cases improved, and there is always something that can be improved upon.
You being an Apple supporter (you are one, right?) though makes why you think this way a little clearer. Macintosh computers have always been built with a fire-and-forget nature. Once you turn it on the first time you never have to change or tweak anything ever again. An idiot proof computer solution if you will. The same can be said about their software too. That is my main problem with the Mac. I want to be able to tweak to my heart’s content. I want a fully expandable computer where I can change the components whenever I feel like it, etc. This is where the PC shines and the Mac falters.
i agree with you on the second part. but i think a software system that has to be updated constantly isn't properly setup the first time. I am a fan of both PC and Mac yet when people just put down Macs for no reason. but with the custom changes and what not, "tweaking", you correct PCs win. but I am one that believes that why mess with something that works better then normal. and that isn't just with computers.

but no i upgrade anything and everything that comes my way.
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Old 01-16-2007, 10:17 PM   #49
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There was a time when I absolutely hated Macs because they were nothing more than a trendy item pretending to be a computer. They were underpowered, very simple computers that looked cute sitting on the desktop. That has since changed and Macs can now be had that are just as powerful as PCs. The expandability still isn’t there, but I don’t think it ever will be since Macs are, like I said above, the idiot proof computer solution. That is my biggest complaint with Macs right now. I build all of my machines and they are constantly evolving as the technology changes. The fact that I can crack open the PC and change any of the components in it are a huge plus on the PC’s side. In my eyes this should be the definition of a computer.
I also find it funny when Macs users like to say that their machines never crash like PCs do. I have crashed more Macs then I ever have PCs when pushing the machine. This is where that “idiot proof” title I gave the Mac and not the PC comes into play. If you know what you are doing, adjusting, tweaking, and changing then the PC will crash very little, if ever under normal operation parameters. Most PC users with the constantly crashing computers have no clue what the hell they are doing and in many cases are the cause of whatever made the PC crash. The Mac holds your hand during almost every operation so the non-computer savvy user has very little chance of messing anything up. That is where the Mac shines.
Ed - Trekkie women are HOT! (A Trekkie for life)
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Old 01-16-2007, 11:24 PM   #50
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Apple has always been able to make their products unique enough to command a much higher price. They are more stylish and they have great TV Commercials.

What was it the IMac. a combination monitor and computer in a semi clear plastic shell, those just sold like hot cakes, twice or three times as much as a regular PC. First they were only white, then you could get them in colors, ooh. Sound familar.

What do people who bought them do with them now. I still have monitors I use, I bought ten years ago.

Electronics as art really does not make sense, they become obsolete almost overnight.

But Apple sure knows how to hype their product.
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Old 01-16-2007, 11:28 PM   #51
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I have had the displeasure of migrating hundred of users from Macs to PC's int he corporate world.

What a bucket of crap these computers were, and their pathetic data storage models and stupid driver setups etc.

We could migrate about 40 PC users per day - the best we ever managed was 10 Mac users a day - that is how convoluted and cumbersome getting data off and out of the myriad of storage locations and mechanisms.

Add to the this to stupid none-central network and security models Mac use and you have the makings of the most pathetic and pointless office automation tool in the history of the world since the invention of the poorly received coal fired crotch warmer.

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