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Old 09-05-2004, 08:48 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by mindgam3
When it comes down to it, its who is advising the company, who is makes the best sales pitch and which is most economicaly beneficial in the companies given cicumstance..... not neccesarily which is the better OS

And the system sales is based on current solution requirements and budgetry manouvres.. afterall, in any corporate environment, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

And unless the new POS system runs one Linux somewhere down the line it won't be installed on a Linux server farm - and hence the servers won't be purchased.

That is the point.

I was part of an initiative about 4 years ago where we tried to give Linux a push-start - the idea was to have Linux based servers act as multi-user application desktop servers - as Unix has been used for years.

However, the Linux distro houses were stupidly trying to capture the "desktop space" - and they missed a golden opportunity to push Linux servers running Star Office and pushing that to the existing windows desktops and other devices with a scaled down X11 display subset.

Based on our pricing and the fact that the Linux servers setup on the then current PIII Xeon servers outperformed the Windows Terminal Services based systems significantly - we could have sold the servers into many companies.

But - they insisted on taking on the desktops - which we knew was a battle they would lose.

So - instead of increasing the end-user base by 200,000 Linux users over the last number of years - we sold that many Citrix and MS Cals.

Thses kinds of fauxpauxes are why the open source crowd are doomed They are there own worst enemy.

Instead of teaming up with solution providers and selling SOLUTIONS they are just trying to move product. A very short sighted model. But then again, when they signed up with the big manufacturers they stopped caling the shots and are just along for the ride now.

And we all know what hgappens when the OS and hardware get tied together - can you say Sun .. ?
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