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Old 02-09-2005, 11:34 AM   #1
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Default Some interesting numbers

From GrandPrix.com:

Formula 1 testing has been going on now for about a month and, according to our colleagues at F1Total.com, the man who has done the most testing in 2005 is BMW Williams's Nick Heidfeld, who has completed 13 days of tests and 3,021 miles of running. Jarno Trulli is next with 2,388 miles in his Toyota and Franck Montagny who has managed a total of 2,294 miles for Renault. When all the running is added up the team that has done the most is BAR-Honda which was clocked 7,843 miles, which is well clear of Toyota (7,405 miles) and Williams (7,189 miles). Ferrari has completed just 4,732 miles. The teams have been running different specification cars but the model with the most miles is the Toyota TF105 which has clocked up 5,530 miles.

Perhaps the most telling statistic, however, is the total mileage done by the two tyre companies. Michelin-shod cars have completed 38,081 miles of testing while Bridgestone cars have managed only 5,339 miles, seven times less mileage than Michelin. If the amount of knowledge gained increases with the number of miles run, it would seem to be logical to suggest that Bridgestone will go into the new season at an appreciable disadvantage to Michelin.


Wow, Michelin teams really want to cut testing... :roll:

Ah, and this is one of the reasons why they said no to Ferrari's proposal IMO.
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Old 02-09-2005, 01:00 PM   #2
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Interesting numbers, and it would suggest that Michelin are really trying a lot harder to compete after their season last year. Even with more teams using their tyres, I'm interested to see how much better than may be than Bridgestone next season.
"It's not long before Marco arrives, but he's at least five minutes behind an epic wall of noise that's been bouncing off the rock faces like a sonic pinball. Onlookers, of which there are many, seem relieved when the livid red Ferrari skims into view, happier still when they see it's driven by a friendly Italian, and not, as the thunderous sound effects suggested, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Evo #059
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Old 02-09-2005, 01:13 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Ronin005
well, all those numbers are irrelevant, especaially the tire ones. you have to remember that only 4 teams in F1 are with Bridgestone, not to mention that Jordan uses Bridgestone but they cant afford to test as much as the other teams. so take a look at the WHOLE picture before coming up with such numbers.
-THOUGH i think i might be wrong and its only 3 teams with Bridgestone, since Sauber moved to Michelin. also dont forget that Ferrari has THREE FULL SCALE wind tunnels that never stop. (the only team to have that many)
Yes, that's exacly my point. Since Michelin has more teams, a testing limit by miles, instead of days would take away some of their advantage. That's why they refused Ferrari's proposal, which (if accepted) would be more effective in reducing costs IMO.

I'm pointing this out 'cause the other teams always said that Ferrari didn't want to cut costs, tested more than them, etc etc... But if you look at the numbers, the teams that said that (Williams for example) are the ones that test more. Go figure.

And you are wrong about the Wind Tunnels. Ferrari has one Wind Tunnel, which even isn't the best on F1. The Sauber Wind Tunnel is currently the best.

And guess who has two Wind Tunnels (that are going to be fully used during 2005)?

Yep, that's right: Williams.
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Old 02-09-2005, 01:20 PM   #4
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Those numbers can't lie, maybe they're not that important. But we see the most rich teams in F1 and the money they're putting into the testing.
BAR-Honda (now with more cash from Honda) wants to take advantage of the rythm they had in the last season

Toyota wants to obtain better results after the huge dissapointments from previous seasons and they're putting miles and miles so they can be strong for the 2005

And williams, after BMW's treath of pulling out of the F1 because the williams designer team didn't come up with new and great ideas, tries to have a come back after... almost ten years from their last championship

with the tyres issue, surely both manufacturers are fighting for better compounds and for those they need testing...

well, after all my BS... these could be an interesting season (I've been saying this for the last 4 years)
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Old 02-09-2005, 05:33 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ronin005
And you are wrong about the Wind Tunnels. Ferrari has one Wind Tunnel, which even isn't the best on F1. The Sauber Wind Tunnel is currently the best.

And guess who has two Wind Tunnels (that are going to be fully used during 2005)?

Yep, that's right: Williams.
i know Sauber has a new wind tunnel, and about BMW i havent heard anything about them having 2.
but its a FACT that Ferrari has THREE of them and they run 24/7, this i have read in several F1 magazines.
unless, they haved changed things, which im not aware of it.

since the articles i read were in magazines ive been having a hard time finding anything online about it. but it seems that im not the only one who read possibly the same article.

look at the first comment.
About the Williams Wind Tunnel: Yes, they're using 2; the "old" one and the new. When they finished the new Tunnel, they kept using the old one. And this will be mantained in 2005.

About the Ferrari Wind Tunnel(s): They only have one as far as I know.
More info about it here: http://www.floornature.com/worldarou...hp/art392/3/en

I haven't read anything that says that they have 3. Now, they could have used 3 at a certain moment (again, never heard this), but they only own one, that's for sure.

I'm holding right now a magazine about the F1 Wind Tunnels, and acording to it the only team with more than one Tunnel is Williams.

Maybe someone with more info could enlighten us?
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