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Old 08-13-2007, 09:33 AM   #1
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Default What happened to me last night..

Ok i went to my local subway to get some food. Got what i wanted and jumped back into the car, stereo up, engine running when i see thse 2 kids come walking out of subway also. Looked fine nothing concerning till i hear a SCRATCH and i mean a long SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHHHHHing sound... i look in the mirror and i see these kids running the hell outta there...and im mean FULL speed running. I got blood rage and didn't know what to do .. do i get out and look and lose them or chase them down and smash there skulls in.

So i thought screw this i'm gonna chase them. Reverse out put in to first and start the chase down the road.. i see them running and looking behind them as i approach full speed.. i notice they are coming to a intersection so i speed up and past them and hand brake into to the side street and stop the car.. JUST like in the movies where to coppa cuts off the little punks running..Razz

THat got there attention and that also stopped them running.. Here they are 2 16 yo little punks shivering looking really scared.. I get outtta the car and yell at them:
Me: wtf did you do to my car.
Them: Nothing, i swear we did nothing.
Me: BULL **** SHIT
Them: I sear to god man we did NOTHING.

So i walk around the car looking to see if the DID anything and i mean anything spit scratch or fart stains i don't know SOMETHING to make my
chase and capture worth while..

So after walking around the car for about 1 minute there is NOTHING i'm like you punks are lucky now get the **** out of here. So they sat on the tram seat all scared.. I jumped in my car and drove off all relived but angry. So i turn the stereo up and let the music calm me down.

Then it happened Sad .... i feel so bad about this guys. The mp3 that was playing had a DJ scratching in the middle of the song and it was exactly the same sound i heard when these little punks high tailed it out of there.

That didn't explain why they where running.. Poor bastards started to run when they saw the tram was a few stop away and not to miss the last tram.. **** i feel so terrible atm Sad

after i noticed this i drove back in hope t find them and drive them to there nearest place they need to go... but it was to late they had left the scene Sad

Anyways... thats it .. thats my exciting night lol
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Old 08-13-2007, 09:42 AM   #2
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OH Man

Talk about Funny times! LOL I can just imagine the look on their faces when you open the door jehe
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Old 08-13-2007, 09:49 AM   #3
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oh yes, though guy and poor kids 8)

really funny and embarrasing story :good:
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Old 08-13-2007, 10:04 AM   #4
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that'd piss me off ....
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Old 08-13-2007, 10:43 AM   #5
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sounds like a good reason NOT to do drugs :roll:
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Old 08-13-2007, 11:35 AM   #6
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Haha. you're lucky they were [stupid] little kids.
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Old 08-13-2007, 01:41 PM   #7
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next time look around if theres a hidden camera

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Old 08-13-2007, 02:03 PM   #8
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you know a video of that happening from beginning to end would have been priceless LOL

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Old 08-13-2007, 02:20 PM   #9
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hahahahaha brilliant story, i can imagine u feel really bad about it...
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Old 08-13-2007, 02:25 PM   #10
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ROFL, this is hillarious ! you should've taken a picture of their faces !!!
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