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Old 11-17-2003, 09:58 PM   #16
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Yes you have a terrible Memory.
Back in 1998 at the very first race of the year, David Coulthard allowed Mika to pass him metres before the finish of the grand prix.
David defended their actions with: "we had an agreement, 1st into the 1st corner on the 1st lap wins the race and that may mean switching places at the end of a GP"
Theres a difference between what ferrari did and what mclaren did. McLaren did it because they didnt want to batlle each other out of that race. They didnt want to crash into each other aka gentlemans agreement. It was the first race of the season and mclaren never just fully supports one driver unlike ferrari. Like you said, its a business minded sport. not good, but thats what the sport is like now. Ferrari on the other hand wanted to give schumy the most points when he already had a huge lead going into the middle of the season. Before this schumy has won already almost every race, he didnt need that win. And the McLaren incident didnt cause such a big stur for a reason, and thats because it wasnt as damaging as what ferrari did. The only people who point to that incident is the ferrari people looking to say "look they did it too", its the battle of pointing fingers. All the teams cursed ferrari for what they did, why because of the way they did it. And you can see that it was a bigger case just by looking at how the FIA reacted to that incident by banning team ruling immediately. No other incident in the history of F1 caused such as stur as this one. Theres no denying that.

Thats just David playing the Mclaren Team Game. What everyone know was that DC was told, move over and let Mika through.
Was there proof of this? Was the on board radio recorded like that of rubens?

Schumacher is a genius and can sometimes, but only sometimes be the difference but the technology is primary in F1 and the driver is somewhere towards the bottom of "must haves" imo!
Theres no denying schu is the best driver in f1 now. It would be great to see him try to develop another team like renault, just like what valentino rossi is doing for MotoGP now. He did a great job getting ferrari back to the top and i suppose he wants to end his career with them..

There is no doubt in my mind that of the current F1 drivers, Taku is the most agressive driver & for quite a number of seasons.

Satos 2002 moto: "maximum attack"
I would rate Montoya first for his "stupid" moves he makes sometimes. I know a lot of schumacher fans who hate him just because he gives him a real hard time. Taku is 2nd, and i agree he is the first good japanese driver.

Well im sorry to disappoint you if this is a surprise but you mean very little to Ferrari. The only fans ferrari care about are the ones by the name of shell & vodafone.

F1 is a business 100% of the time and a sport for a few hours every second weekend.
You put it like i care?
But thats not the point, im saying that Ferrari didnt do the sport any good. Its obvious they dont care by their actions, and thats the reason why so many fans have turned their back on them, but that doesnt matter to them like you said. Anyway they still have countless others to support them to the death.
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Old 11-18-2003, 10:26 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by tekwar
Theres a difference between what ferrari did and what mclaren did. McLaren did it because they didnt want to batlle each other out of that race. They didnt want to crash into each other aka gentlemans agreement. It was the first race of the season and mclaren never just fully supports one driver unlike ferrari.
Jesus man, wake up to what you are saying!
The end result was the same. The previous 58laps were made completely irrelevant and the sport was brought into disrepute. I'll get to the "gentlemans agreement" soon.

Originally Posted by tekwar
Ferrari on the other hand wanted to give schumy the most points when he already had a huge lead going into the middle of the season. Before this schumy has won already almost every race, he didnt need that win. And the McLaren incident didnt cause such a big stur for a reason, and thats because it wasnt as damaging as what ferrari did.
Its no secret. Ferrari want the best for Schumacher which ultimately means the best for Ferrari. Ferraris argument although fickle was that, you never know what is going to happen. 1999 was a perfect example. What Ferrari did was wrong but i honestly think DC/Mikas swap was far more damaging for the sport.

In 2002 before the Austria race, it was obvious Schumacher was going to win the WDC aslong as his car stayed reliable and he avoided injury. Austria 2002 was just alot of salt in the wounds of the other teams but it made very little difference to the outcome of the season. I did boo the shit out of Ferrari but what happened latter in America was far more damaging to the sport.

Schumacher went for a dead heat with Rubens(yeah right) but anyways he accidently handed the victory to Rubens and they laughed about it. Victory had become a joke to Schumacher.

In 1998 before the season had taken any shape or form, DC/Mika had some off the track agreement dictate what happened in a race. Again this proved that victory for DC/Mika was not important but an agreement was far more important.

Originally Posted by tekwar
And you can see that it was a bigger case just by looking at how the FIA reacted to that incident by banning team ruling immediately.
The FIA had TWICE banned team order after Mclaren actions.

1. In 1997 during the GP of Jerez when Mika blocked and slowed and months later it was revealed in radio conversations that JV was told "let mika pass, remember he helped us earlier"[not an exact quote]

2.The rule was refined after the 1998 Australian GP.

..and then in 2002, the FIA set out a very definite ruling on team orders.

You must remember that the FIA did not reprimand Ferrari for their actions of the track, the $1m fine was purely for the podium fiasco.

Originally Posted by tekwar
Was there proof of this? Was the on board radio recorded like that of rubens?

I have none.
DC/Mika are supposed to be racing drivers who go to any length to achieve the WDC. It just doesnt make sense to me. DC races are very hard race and metres before the end says to himself..."ooh that agreement i have with Mika....blah blah blah"...it just sounds stoopid to me.

Originally Posted by tekwar
I know a lot of schumacher fans who hate him just because he gives him a real hard time.

I certainly dont and i thought it was a load of bollox that he got a penalty for running into Schumi in Malaysia.

FIA = idiots.
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Old 11-18-2003, 11:11 AM   #18
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FIA = idiots.
Agreed on that one.

Anyway its brewing up to be a very interesting season in 2004 with so many competitive teams coming in.

And with this new announcement, 2005 seems to be set to be just as good. its good for all us fans, i think we will all enjoy it bunches.
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Old 11-18-2003, 02:41 PM   #19
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Looks like 2005 is goin to be one of the best seasons ...
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Old 12-16-2003, 07:04 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by scubywrxr
Looks like 2005 is goin to be one of the best seasons ...
Especially if Ferrari can replace Barrichello with a younger, upcoming star.. possibly Kimi? 2005 should make for an incredible year in F1.
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:57 PM   #21
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To much talk about Montoya he hits a fast speed and everybody loves him, when i went the race in Montreal, at all the BMW booths only Montoya shit, i had to look for hours to find a Ralf stuff,
2005 looks like a good season because Montoya is out of Williams
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Old 12-29-2003, 09:32 PM   #22
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Ron Dennis is extremely evil. Here's my thoughts : Ron knows that Montoya is a great driver, but no Michael Schumacher (close to Kimi, but not there). Ron has poached Montoya 1) To take momentum away from Williams, and only 2) because he is a good driver. I don't mind a bit of evilness if it'll help McLaren get the championships
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Old 01-02-2004, 08:50 PM   #23
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Default Montoya

Yes it would be very interesting to see Montoya in a good car for a change, he might get somewhere in 2005
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