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Old 01-05-2006, 10:12 PM   #31
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Its called branding. It influences your subconscious whether you realize it or not.
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:23 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Banchi105
Its called branding. It influences your subconscious whether you realize it or not.
No - it influences the goobers like you who obviously want to be in the ad-business, and the sheeple that grey referenced.

Branding is what directs the braindead masses to max out their credit cards on crap.

Again - self serving.

I don't drink Coke because of "branding" - I drink it because it tastes good... Pepsi has as much airtime but it tastes like arse so I don't drink it.

Branding is what the ad-industry thinks influences people - however, its a misleading lie... the items in Walmart that sell the most are not "branded" more succesfully.. they are the items that fill the shelves in the most convnient location.

People need orange juice, so they either buy the cheapest one or the one that is placed nearest their lazy hands.. hence the best seller is Brand X - simply because there are more Brand X juie bottles on the shelf and therefor sell more.

That is the reality.

That small niche market of stupid yuppies that buy over priced BMW's and expensive watches are probably the only people influenced by - ironically their own marketing crap.

Again - yet more proof that the marketing busienss is self serving

You really think Corolla is a top seller because of branding?

No - it's because they are cheap, reliable and plentful.

If marketing determined market share, Ford and GM should be market leaders...
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:32 PM   #33
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There are some good points there. It is well known in retail that if you want to shift something you put it at the end of the aisle. Personally, I will always strive to buy Walmart/Kroger 'own' brands when shopping, with a couple exceptions like cereal and windex as the value stuff is noticably different. Having said that, I'll also pay $1 for a bottle of coke from the gas station because I am in too much hurry to stop at Kroger and go in and buy that same pint bottle for 50c.

On the topic of Kroger, I suggest you try their K cola, RC, it really is good (and it is 25c a can from the vending machine outside the store- even more convenient than that gas station hehe)

I've never been more proud of my casio watch right now though
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:33 PM   #34
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^^^ I just hate/despise the marketing set with a passion...
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:36 PM   #35
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You dont say!!

They get called the gin and tonic brigade in our organisation
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:52 PM   #36
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That small niche market of stupid yuppies that buy over priced BMW's and expensive watches are probably the only people influenced by - ironically their own marketing crap.
That niche is bigger then you think, thats why the majority of people have huge credit card debts and the backstreet boys were on every radio station in America.

You've never dated a girl my age? They can't live without some sort of brand name shirt. Tell me that something from Gap beats something from my local jc penny and Ill call you an idiot.. Hell it prolly doesnt beat whats avilable at kmart and walmart except for in selection.

There are several convience items, but there are many examples of a superior product being beaten by brand image(vhs over beta comes to mind).
Common Sense- so rare it's a super power.
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:19 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by RC45
No - it influences the goobers like you who obviously want to be in the ad-business, and the sheeple that grey referenced.
Feel free to personally attack me for stating my opinion. :roll:
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:21 PM   #38
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^^^ I have taken great pains to avoid the shallow and useless during my lifetime.

I subscribe to the belief that the brand doesn't create the image that the people follow, the people determine the image of the brand - THEN the manufacturer jumps on the brandwagon () in an effort to keep the momentum - it is during this period that the false impression that the branding drove the market is perpetuated.

This is why "fads" come and go - it's not as if the manufacturer/retailer stopped advertising - it's because the product has already fallen out of favour with the people.

The people find their own product, then the brand-makers try expoloit this self-created niche
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:21 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Banchi105
Originally Posted by RC45
No - it influences the goobers like you who obviously want to be in the ad-business, and the sheeple that grey referenced.
Feel free to personally attack me for stating my opinion. :roll:
Just branding you
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Old 01-06-2006, 06:29 PM   #40
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You've never dated a girl my age? They can't live without some sort of brand name shirt
Stop pulling chicks at your local GAP and you'll discover a whole new world

There are several convience items, but there are many examples of a superior product being beaten by brand image(vhs over beta comes to mind).
VHS beat beta because it didn't drive itself into a hole with proprietary crap. And what happened? Sony just dropped beta and started using VHS. That's the problem with the cult of brand image...when it dies, you have to move on or die with it

RC45 about the Z06:
It is also a cheaply made, fast to depreciate, badly service hunk of GM crap.
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:38 PM   #41
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Stop pulling chicks at your local GAP and you'll discover a whole new world
If its not clothes, its jewelry or shoes.. They all have one lol.
VHS beat beta because it didn't drive itself into a hole with proprietary crap.
Neither did vhs honestly.. least not in the states. Beta has 10 x better quality then vhs.

the people determine the image of the brand
The head of the fad is some rich person who is paid to advertise the fad to others.. least thats whats going on with companies like nike.. Remember air jordans?
Common Sense- so rare it's a super power.
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Old 01-07-2006, 05:57 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by RC45
Who here has ever spent money on a product they found/heard about from a weblink / banner?

Marketing Majors and MBA's really are the bane of western society.
If you had any grasp of what marketing is about instead of equalling it with some third-rank weblink bullshit, you wouldn't talk this much uneducated crap.

If you saw the return on investments clickthroughs of websites/banners/logs generate you would see that there are millions and millions of people that directly and indirectly base their purchase decision on those media.

LOL, because you don't like it or some of your buddies don't, let's not forget the mass does. The key defect in your reasoning (like most of the time unfortunately) is that you reflect everything to what YOU would do. However, if you would look further than your backyard you'd realise there are millions and millions of people that do care for status, do want to belong to a certain group, do care for certain brand values, do rely on ads...

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. It's much more than advertising.

Originally Posted by RC45
The people find their own product, then the brand-makers try expoloit this self-created niche
Sorry, but that's not reality. Fine that you have an opinion, but it's obvious you have little clue what you're talking about...

Just think why and how these products get to market...it's developed for a target group. You seriously don't think nothing is planned beforehand do you ? The rest, I hope, you can figure out yourself.
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Old 01-07-2006, 06:04 AM   #43
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About VHS vs. Betamax. VHS won the battle because the proprietary technology format was overwhelmed in the market by a format allowing multiple, competing, licensed manufacturers, setting the industry standard. That is why VHS won in the end.

Pharzo is right.
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Old 01-07-2006, 06:49 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by LotusGT1
Originally Posted by RC45
Who here has ever spent money on a product they found/heard about from a weblink / banner?

Marketing Majors and MBA's really are the bane of western society.
If you had any grasp of what marketing is about instead of equalling it with some third-rank weblink bullshit, you wouldn't talk this much uneducated crap.
Actually the entire debate was based on "3rd rate weblink bullshit".

And you assume just because someone doesn't buy into crap they haven't based their opinion on first hand educaiton and knowledge.

Marketing is simply a way to push shit onto the sheple and co-erce folks into "needing the said shit".

Mass manipulation - self serving crap - the world does not need marketing to survive - crap people ell needs marketing to survive

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
If you saw the return on investments clickthroughs of websites/banners/logs generate you would see that there are millions and millions of people that directly and indirectly base their purchase decision on those media.
No - the selleres of the BANNERS make the money - not the advertisers them selves.. Just like junk mail coupons and flyers - the fear that not using such irritating marketing methods leads businesses to continue to use them.

Whne last did YOU or anyone you know make a purchase decision based on Banners/Links or Flyers and Brochures?

When last?

Now - how many purchase decisions haveyou made on the spur of the moment when faced with the actual product in the retail location?

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
LOL, because you don't like it or some of your buddies don't, let's not forget the mass does.
Never said he mass does - the point was my choice (and everyone I know) is not based on advertising - it based on personal taste.

Pepsi vs Coke - I do not know of a sigle person that swithced brands or started drinking either based on an advert - the choice has always been basted on which atsted better.

If Coke stopped advertising tomorrow, ther sales would remain flat - people already enjoy and regularly purchase Coke - they want it not because of marketing - but because it tastes good.

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
The key defect in your reasoning (like most of the time unfortunately) is that you reflect everything to what YOU would do. However, if you would look further than your backyard you'd realise there are millions and millions of people that do care for status, do want to belong to a certain group, do care for certain brand values, do rely on ads...
The flaw in your logic is that you are wrong - again.

I have proof my logic is the truth.

When Coke changed their formula - no amount of marketing could shift the buying public to give up the old formula - the consumer knew what he/she wanted and voted with their dollars - not because of marketing, but rather in spite of it

Trust me - you will ahve to wake up real early to beat me I have ten answers for everything you could dream up

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. It's much more than advertising.
Ooooh - a text book quote.

No buddy - marketing is a self serving industry that has ingrained itself inot western business and repeatedly attempt to set trends and manipulate th market but continually fails to alter opinion - the marketing industry is always one step behind the consumer - because the industry one tries what works - and this is based on following trends and patterns - not creating them

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
Originally Posted by RC45
The people find their own product, then the brand-makers try expoloit this self-created niche
Sorry, but that's not reality. Fine that you have an opinion, but it's obvious you have little clue what you're talking about...
Cokes failed formula change proves this out - as do movies that go directly to DVD - people will not buy crap, no matter how slick you package it.

Originally Posted by LotusGT1
Just think why and how these products get to market...it's developed for a target group. You seriously don't think nothing is planned beforehand do you ? The rest, I hope, you can figure out yourself.
Which is why they fail so badly - the "focus group" approach is flawed...
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Old 01-07-2006, 07:25 AM   #45
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LOL, your post is riddled with mistakes. And once again, marketing is much broader than advertising.

Trends don't fall out of the sky as the products which become trendy weren't created without a strategy.

Your Coke vs Pepsi argument is based on the wrong assumptions. Why did you try Coke in the first place? It's relatively expensive compared to other colas, you have millions of other options. Why did you buy it in the first place?

Coca Cola is one of the largest marketing machines in the world. The fact that all around the world you can always buy a Coke within a 200 feet range has been a marketing decision. The switch in taste was a bad decision, as it was Coke themselves who have been pushing their taste for so long and people demanded the same taste.

The fact that within marketing mistakes are made like in every other discipline doesn't mean it is bad by default. Marketing isn't the solution for every problem, but it is a key element to run most businesses succesfully.

How do you think these succesfull products get to market. From every 1000 of innovations a FMCG-company comes up with, only 1 might get to market. Products are made based on market information, products succeed because the creator used this information. I could go on for weeks here but

About the Banners, if you would see the same financial figures I've seen you'd know that bannering increases traffic, and increases purchase. If f.e. your traffic doubles, and your number of purchases rises as well, a banner can be a perfect marketing tool. If you want to create brand awareness, a banner can be a great tool to redirect more people to your site.

Oh, people do buy crap, more than you can imagine. A simple example, how big do you think the TellSell market is? That's not because their products are so great.
Targeting customers is a succesfull proven approach, segmentation is profitable.

Just to get an idea, what is your professional background RC?
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