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Old 07-12-2006, 07:32 AM   #76
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No chum - you tell me why you should not? How do YOU know my opinion is no less valid than your "credible" sources opinion?
So your opinion on the diagnosis of some cancer patient is of equal weight to an oncologist?

Does it bother you that much that I choose to have an opposing opinion to you and your crew?
How shallow
No, I have absolutely no problem with you having a different opinion as long as you have some source backing up your claims.
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Old 07-12-2006, 07:37 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by RC45
No chum - you tell me why you should not? How do YOU know my opinion is no less valid than your "credible" sources opinion?

Afterall, your "credible source" provided no documentary proof of thier opinion that he will make less money other than "passing comments"
Well considering Montoya himself has said that he's going to be taking a pay cut by moving to NASCAR, I'd say that's fairly good reason to toss your opinion out the window.
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Old 07-12-2006, 08:29 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Originally Posted by RC45
No chum - you tell me why you should not? How do YOU know my opinion is no less valid than your "credible" sources opinion?

Afterall, your "credible source" provided no documentary proof of thier opinion that he will make less money other than "passing comments"
Well considering Montoya himself has said that he's going to be taking a pay cut by moving to NASCAR, I'd say that's fairly good reason to toss your opinion out the window.
Why - I am not allowed to have an opinion just because he throws out some bogus claim so that the news folks will stop hounding him?

Seems there is just as much reason to throw any of your opinions out the window - after all people are taking single unsubstantiated claims and preaching them as gospel.

Al of a sudden now, just bgecause Juan Jesus Christ Montoya says something, it becomes gospel?

You guys afraid to take on the challenge of revisiting this thread in 1 years time and see who was correct?


My opinion, which is just as valid as any ones, says he will take home more total money after a year in NASCAR than he did in F1.
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Old 07-12-2006, 08:47 AM   #79
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Haha when the subject is Juan's own fincancial situation, then yes his word becomes a hell of a lot closer to gospel than yours does. He has no reason to make a false claim about making less money in NASCAR than he did in Formula 1.

And don't go trying to pass yourself off as some innocent altar boy now either, you went after me for having an opinion as well, so to start whining about others getting on your back over your opinion, well that's just pathetic.
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Old 07-12-2006, 08:52 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Originally Posted by RC45
No chum - you tell me why you should not? How do YOU know my opinion is no less valid than your "credible" sources opinion?

Afterall, your "credible source" provided no documentary proof of thier opinion that he will make less money other than "passing comments"
Well considering Montoya himself has said that he's going to be taking a pay cut by moving to NASCAR, I'd say that's fairly good reason to toss your opinion out the window.
direct pay from NASCAR, yes. Endorsements, no.

American sports stars make more off of endorsements than they do direct wages.

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Old 07-12-2006, 09:11 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Haha when the subject is Juan's own fincancial situation, then yes his word becomes a hell of a lot closer to gospel than yours does. He has no reason to make a false claim about making less money in NASCAR than he did in Formula 1.

And don't go trying to pass yourself off as some innocent altar boy now either, you went after me for having an opinion as well, so to start whining about others getting on your back over your opinion, well that's just pathetic.
Pathetic this - :fuck:

You are just all pissy because I won't back down off my opinion is all.

I didn't prevent you having what ever opinion you want - I am just telling you mine is not the same as yours (or Juan Montoya's public statement - which he has many valid reasons for maiing - not of which is the various taxing authorities he doesn't want all up in his business), and I won't change it - because I know mine is right - and will be proven so over time.

Again - are you guys to chicken to simply revisit this thread in july 2007 and see who's opinion was closest to reality?

I mean, if you guys are so right, then surely you would have no problem with revisitng in a year - but it sure seems that the only way you can "bolster" you own opinion is to try brow beat others to change theirs to match yours.

See ---- that is the main difference between me, and all ya'll cokarsed muthafuckas..

I choose to have a different opinion - but I allow you to keep yours, I am just not going to change mine. That's what makes an independent thinker, an independent thinker.

Oh and about my opinion versus the "oncologists" on a cancer diagnosis... I would NEVER take a doctors opinion on face value - far too many times have I witnessed people about to take the "word of God - I mean a doctor" and been too afraid of getting a second or thrid or even fourth opinion and they have been the ones to suffer because they "did not want to have a different view".

And in the end, the opposite "opinion" of someone else proved to be the "more correct diagnosis".

So why is it that your camp always tries to change the other opinion? Can't you accept the fact that not everyone thinks like you? Or agrees with you?
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Old 07-12-2006, 09:13 AM   #82
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Zf, as I've said before, all I've talked about was direct pay (salary), since there's no way to really know what he will be making from endorsements. There's a hell of a lot of people who don't like the idea of him entering NASCAR, so I doubt he'll be making that much off of endorsements in his first year, especially not more than he was making from endorsements in an established F1 career. F1 also has a hell of a lot more global appeal, so again, more reason to suspect he won't be making as much from endorsements right off the bat.

Also RC, to the best of my knowledge, no one has backed down from looking at this thread a year from now. Funny that you're the only one who keeps going on about that, after your little speech about internet arguments and such earlier.
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Old 07-12-2006, 09:33 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by nthfinity
still wont watch nascar

i bet Juan Pablo is in it for the money; and i bet the lap times will fall a wee bit
funny, 5 pages later, this is what started the argument.

BTW, why isn't sponsorships, events, salary, bonuses, prize purses etc. allowed to be included? after all, it is all money that he would make, is it not?
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Old 07-12-2006, 09:34 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Zf, as I've said before, all I've talked about was direct pay (salary), since there's no way to really know what he will be making from endorsements. There's a hell of a lot of people who don't like the idea of him entering NASCAR, so I doubt he'll be making that much off of endorsements in his first year, especially not more than he was making from endorsements in an established F1 career. F1 also has a hell of a lot more global appeal, so again, more reason to suspect he won't be making as much from endorsements right off the bat.
hhmm.. I am of the opinion he will have a huge following and the NASCAR endorsements will be enormous.

Z is of course entitled to his as are you - but if F1 had so much global appeal, why did F1 work so hard to get a US race? It seems like they needed the US race more than the US market place needed F1.

Money talks - BS walks.

Originally Posted by nickthaskater
Also RC, to the best of my knowledge, no one has backed down from looking at this thread a year from now. Funny that you're the only one who keeps going on about that, after your little speech about internet arguments and such earlier.
So this is you accepting that my opinion may be valid afterall, as in a years time, things may not have turned out the way you expect them to?

And you're the one making this an argument - I just chose a different point of view - you're the one choosing to argue about it.

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Old 07-12-2006, 09:41 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by RC45
Z is of course entitled to his as are you - but if F1 had so much global appeal, why did F1 work so hard to get a US race? It seems like they needed the US race more than the US market place needed F1.
US -> new market for F1 -> massive commercial opportunities. I don't have to explain to you what happens when the US gets appealed by F1 and start to buy merchandise...$$$$. Has not much to do with "needing" the US or vice versa. The americans will adopt F1 much sooner if they are racing in the US too, and have US drivers too.

Same why FIA/F1 invests in opportunities to race in Asia, Middle-East and eventually Russia. The FIA just want to capitalize maximally on the global appeal of F1 and they are stimulating that by getting local action for the public.

In the end, it is the only really globally watched autosport.
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Old 07-12-2006, 09:50 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by RC45
So this is you accepting that my opinion may be valid afterall, as in a years time, things may not have turned out the way you expect them to?

And you're the one making this an argument - I just chose a different point of view - you're the one choosing to argue about it.

I'm hardly accepting your opinion in any way shape or form, all I said was that no one has specifically turned down your ongoing quest to drag this back up in a year.

As for making an argument, I'm simply replying to posts, as that's what is done on a message board. You're arguing just as much as I by continuing to headbutt views with others.
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Old 07-12-2006, 11:07 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
I'm hardly accepting your opinion in any way shape or form, all I said was that no one has specifically turned down your ongoing quest to drag this back up in a year.
So are willing to put your opinion to the test and revisit this in a year? Or not?

Originally Posted by nickthaskater
As for making an argument, I'm simply replying to posts, as that's what is done on a message board. You're arguing just as much as I by continuing to headbutt views with others.
I am not arguing at all - I have made every effort to allow you your opinion - I have simply said you are wrong and I am right.

You on the other hand seem hell bent on not allowing me my opinion.

It must really bother you a lot that other people have differing views to yours..

You should learn to accept the fact and embrace the differences of opinion that exist instead of fighting them.

I mean, just because you have a different opinion to me does't mean you are lesser person - and in fact your difference of opinion is a positive trait - it just means you are wrong
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Old 07-12-2006, 11:15 AM   #88
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You can have whatever your opinion you want, I'm merely doing the same as you in saying that you're wrong, in addition to you having essentially nothing to back up your claims.

I really couldn't care less honestly if I was right or wrong, but if it means that much to you, by all means go drag this up again a year from now so you can see if you won an e-fight with a 20 year old.
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Old 07-12-2006, 11:28 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by nickthaskater
You can have whatever your opinion you want, I'm merely doing the same as you in saying that you're wrong, in addition to you having essentially nothing to back up your claims.
Claims? What claims? It's my opinion. Last time I checked - where I live, not only am I entitled to an opinion, I am bestowed the inalienable right to freely express this opinion any time I want - now if the socialist police state you call home fails to encourage free independent thinking, this should not be taken out on me an my opinion.

Originally Posted by nickthaskater
I really couldn't care less honestly if I was right or wrong,
If you didn't care - why have to taken 5 pages to convince to change my opinion - I have never suggested you should change yours, only offered that mine was different.

Seems you care a whole lot.. a whole lot more than I do.

Originally Posted by nickthaskater
but if it means that much to you, by all means go drag this up again a year from now
It doesn't mean anything to me, my correct opinion has been voiced - you're the one that wants others to agree with you.

Originally Posted by nickthaskater
so you can see if you won an e-fight with a 20 year old.
What fight? Now you want to fight?

Man - you sure have a hard time accepting other differing opinions.

You have called this an argument, a debate now a fight - such a hostile stance you have - I just offered a differing, albeit correct, opinion is all.

Wow - your aggressive comeback looks a lot like more validation that opposing opinions really bother you - a lot.

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Old 07-12-2006, 11:34 AM   #90
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LOL@the two of you.
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