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Old 03-13-2006, 02:02 PM   #1
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Default Networking masters, i need your help!

ok, here's the deal. The computer i use (not this one) to clock on and off of my jobs and also to get the flat rates for said jobs, is set up on a wireless connection. Ever since the IT company set it up, it's been extremely troublesome. There are other comps set up on the same router and none of them have the problems that this one does.

They set it up so that it is a static IP and every computer on it must use a dedicated IP, including my laptop which is a pita because at home i let my wireless router assign it's own ip's which means at work i manually have to enter the ip and dns server addresses. The reason they did this is beyond me. They claimed the router i had previously, which i bought off a coworker when he quit, was handing out conflicting ip's. It was set up to hand out 192.191.50.xxx and they claimed it was handing out 192.191.1.xxx. So they changed routers and settings.

The computer in question doesn't seem to want to stay connected to the network for long and is constantly reconnecting. The flat rate program is netowrked and installed on the server here at work. It will also only stay running for abbreviated periods of time. after you finish what you are doing and leave it for 5 minutes or so, it will close itself out when the next person goes to enter a VIN or change the job being looked up. My coworker (he had come back and just quit again) thought that they had not given the ip a liong enough life span and that's why everything kept resetting. However i don't know how to go and check the alotted time allowed for the ip in question. I also happen to think this is an issue with my ip as well, since around 2:30 or so it disconnects itself from the network as well, wether or not i am in the middle of something.

Is it possible to check/change the timeout limit on the ip's from the individual computers or is that something that needs to be done in the server itself? and if i can do it, how do i do it?

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