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Old 08-05-2003, 04:53 AM   #1
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Default What would you do if somebody is trying to steal your gf?

I think it is time to delete the post. Sad memories has to go.
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:04 AM   #2
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Like you, I'd be TOTALLY pissed off.. piss all over!

But I agree: beating him would be immature and you'll be considered really the bad guy in the situation.
And right, you don't have to blame you g/f.. girls often ignore what is in our (guys) mind -> sex, blow and handjob, deep throat and so on LOL.
I'm sure in that guy's mind there was the remote idea he can kiss or even make sex with your girl, but she does not know it..
And apparently he was playing the poor guy that has to go away and that would like to be with a "friend" the last days... bullshit... if I'd be in your position, I'd try to

- explain to your g/f exactly what is in a guy's mind: buy some porn DVDs and magazine, enough for a 2 hours speech and explain ALL .... but it's dangerous, because she can end up completely disgusted by ALL the men on the planet, including you

- second option: try your best to avoid another meeting between them, be the most romantic and cool guy on heart with her and hope the dork would leave soon..

Really, I'm not an expert too, and I'd be very pissed/embarassed in a similar situation...
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:07 AM   #3
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sorry to hear that man. its a tough call. give it enough time to make sure you make the right decision. this is why i bought a punching bag, bitches make me feel like punching things, its not always worth the fight tho.

if you trust her enough to believe that she didnt do anything and hes leaving, i wouldnt worry so much about it.
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:16 AM   #4
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TT I realize that too. When I see some chicks with big tops and good looking, any kind of imagination can be make up in my mind. The next thing to do "of coz is to chase it" to make the imagination REAL.

should I tell her about what's in the guy mind right now? She's online. Like I said, I don't want to say bad things about that guy like what the guy did to me. Also, I don't know if she will believe what I said.

or should I like what novass said? leave it alone?
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:22 AM   #5
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talk to her, but i would say do it in person. keep your demeanor calm and collected, dont get upset, and tell her what you feel and whats goin on. do like TT says, wine her and dine her (and sex her!) make her forget about all about that hoser
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:24 AM   #6
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thanks novass. I will tell her later then.

Gotta offline now. See you guys later.
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Old 08-05-2003, 05:36 AM   #7
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Best wishes WhiteP! And as novass said: if she loves you, you don't have to fear
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:36 AM   #8
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Damn, this really sucks... Don't know if I'm being selfish if I say: bin there, done that But I have.

This shit happend to me when I had a girlfriend 2 year ago who was a bit older then me & incredibly gorgeous (in my oppinion). Guys were allways around her, trying to make a pass at her (or how do you say it in English). I once left her alone for one hour when we went out and afterwards I heard 5 guys had tried something... in one hour, in some small pub where max 80 people or so can get into. A few weeks later I couldn't see her for a while & when I called her she told me the last couple of days she had been going out with a friend who had bought her all kinda shit and took her for romantic walks in the park and so on ... And I still couldn't see her for a few weeks (went on vacation a couple of times), she called me to break it off ...

No don't panic ... I didn't have a chance to interfear so I allready knew I lost her when I heard she was going out with that dude. And I really really regret I lost that girl, she was so incredibly sweet for me, was fun to go out with and was no slet like so many others. She was 20 years old and I was only her second lover.

It's true what TT says, you've got to make her forget all about that guy, that the second thing what you have to do! But first you have to talke to her. Go running or something to lose are your anger, or at least a bit of it. Then take her to a quiet spot and explain what he's after, you don't have to be so drastic, like showing her porn. Just tell her that it's obvious what he's aftere. Why would he spend money on her otherwise, why would he spend his time, why is he acting like he's the victim. Explain this with a lot of patience, even when she gets mad, try to stay calm. Afterwards hold her and go for a walk or something. Take her out to a movie, dinner, ... all the shit. Spoil her... And I'm sure you'll get her back. But you'll have to do some effort. And don't act like you're the victim or like you're so afraid to lose her and stuff. Be sweet for but act like you're strong. At least that's what I should try to do.

Maybe my advice isn't that good, but I hope you find a way to solve this.

Wish you the best of luck with it!!!!
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Old 08-05-2003, 07:52 AM   #9
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i understand how u feel whiteP.been there with the whole g/f situation.twice things happened to me,once this girl got with me for a joke,never found out y,i thought it wud have been to good to be true,i mean she was like,how can i put it,top of the crop in school.and i was meant to meet her one nite,goin take her out,she sent one of her friends to tell me it was all a joke,that hurt a lot.the second time,when i was away on holiday,a best friend at the time kissed and made out with the girl i was seein,i was seein her for like a year.at that point when i got bak,i did result to violence,and hit the guy.normally i wouldnt hit people.but IMO,if the guy has done sumthin with your girl,u have reason to basically kick the shit outta him.

what TT and novass have said is for your situation,the best information u can get IMO,they have said what u should do with what u know has gone on,treat her to dinner and some nice wine,than treat her to some sweet lovin the rest of the nite.then,if u find out sumthin has gone on,use my method,but i think thats the only time u should use violence,thats if a guy has done sumthin with your girl

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Old 08-05-2003, 08:01 AM   #10
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yep, because if you do hit the guy, you only make him happy because your girl will see him as the victim again. So unless he provokes it, don't result into violence. If he does, kiss his ass, even if you have to use a tool... this kinda situation is the only good reason for agression.

I think it's ok for couples to go out seperatly with other friends BUT there's something different to going out with a couple of friends who act normal then with one person alone, who she only knows shortly and tries to win her by buying her shit & so.
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Old 08-05-2003, 09:16 AM   #11
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WhiteP, this is all f*cked up. You want to be careful otherwise you will get played. Dont trust females, its the dumbest thing you can possibly do. They know what the guys are upto, dont think they are stupid for a second.

Why does your gf keep communicating with the guy?? Like on ICQ, Messages, what about phone when your not there??

Now there are two things you can do that have served me well.

1) Kick the guys ass. I lost a girl once (she thought she could play me), to a friend. I kicked his ass and he never saw my ex ever again. He refused to talk to her. This is a good method if you can look after yourself (btw i was a state/nat boxing champion). You warned the guy, its all fair game now. If it was an innocent mistake, I can understand that (on his part). But if he persists he obviously did not get your message. Time to reinforce it. I dont think there is anything immature about that. You are a man, you cant go letting other people disrespect you like that. Its not the same as some guy saying hi in a bar, or someone looking at your girl. He knows of you now, you warned him.

2) Confront her (not on ICQ). You have told her about him. She needs to make a choice. If she cares about you she will make a decision to tell the guy its gone way to far and it is inapproprite to communicate anymore. This is the easiest solution. You need to let her know that you wont be putting up with any funny business. If she loves you she wont go screwing around. If she doesnt, then GREAT you know NOW and not in 10 years when she leaves you and your TWO young kids, and takes that nice RED FERRARI you saved your whole life for and 1/2 your nice house.

Dont fall for the "Im so innocent" shit. If it looks like shit and it smells like shit, then it is shit.

She is communicating inappropritely via Phone, ICQ and basically dating the guy by going and doing such fun things with him. I would not be putting up with that. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

BE SMART. You start crying and carrying on about how much you love her then you are little more than an UNDESIRABLE that any girl can have. Females like a challenge. If you are no challenge then you are nothing. You need to give her some of her own. Start seeing some nice girls you know, just catching a movie together etc. Then she will realise she has someone worth something. If others want you, then she will.

I have a history of nice ladies. I know the game, every girl plays it. You think they dont because they are sweet, so kind etc, but watch your back because they are the ones that bite the hardest.

Ever heard the following: "Nice guys finish last"??? They dont say that because its false.

The law about conspiracy is a good one. Think about it. She knows whats going on and she is more or less encouraging it by the continued communication. If that continues he will get his way with her and next thing you know, you will be "MR NICE" that doesnt have a gf anymore.
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Old 08-05-2003, 09:31 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by 1zippo1
This shit happend to me when I had a girlfriend 2 year ago who was a bit older then me & incredibly gorgeous (in my oppinion). Guys were allways around her, trying to make a pass at her
Hey Zippo I dont suppose you still have her number that you could give to me please ???
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Old 08-05-2003, 09:48 AM   #13
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Maybe that guy is a faget. Girls like queers(because there all after one thing, MEN), if she loves you(and Im sure she does) she wouldnt go out with him for physical reasons(sexual attraction). Girls are not like guys. They dont cheat(well at least 95% dont) and the other 5%that do are fucking sluts. So dont worry mate.
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Old 08-05-2003, 11:27 AM   #14
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ummmmm sorry to tell ya bro but if she go to karoke wit dude.......she proably...fuckem.........sorry to be the beaer of the bad news.......how old r u?
leinad 111 step to getttin revenge on a cheatin bitch
step 1. kick his ass
step 2. get some porn
step3. get a digital cam
step 4. get a stripper
step5. u and ur new stripper girlfreind make a porno
step 6. send the vid of u and ur new stripper girlfriend to ur OLD girlfiend usin ICQ..tell her ur just helpIN the stripper out wit her buns
step7. post the vid on jabbas world
steo8. kick his ass
*tip* drinkin liqour through all of this help the process
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Old 08-05-2003, 11:41 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jabba
Hey Zippo I dont suppose you still have her number that you could give to me please ???
Hehe, you wish dude

More on subject:

sportVeloce: has some excellent points. I don't think you should kick that guys ass immediatle but if you really see him tailing your girlfriend (and I don't mean an sms or something like that) again you've got every right to kick his ass.

You can't forbid your girlfriend to go out with others but she can't do stuff like that with a guy that's chasing her. And in this case you have to set an example. And certainly get things straight with her, be calm but say it's improtant to be honest & tell that kinda things. It's not normall to do stuff like that when you have a serious relation.

And after that, go for a walk so you can both think things over. Afterwards, or the next day I would take her to a movie & be sweet for her.
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